Thursday, 5 March 2015

The Happy Hormone

We all know what it’s like, you started the year bursting with positive energy, eating nothing but healthy foods, all with the idea to get super fit and the body you always dreamed of. A few months on, motivation is lacking as the stresses and worries of day to day life kick in. But actually, exercise maybe the exact thing that you need right now.
Being active can distract you from your daily worries and can give you a much needed boost of endorphins helping you to feel oh-so-good. Endorphins are the hormonal neurotransmitters in your brain that are responsible for your feeling happy. As you start exercising, your brain recognises this as a moment of stress. As your heart rate increases, the brain thinks that you are either fighting an enemy or running away from it. So to protect yourself from stress, endorphins are released in your brain. Sudden bursts of endorphins can cause you to feel euphoric, and can also act as your body’s natural form of pain relief. The best part about endorphins is that you can stimulate their production to feel happy more often. A study published in the "Journal of Sports Medicine" found that exercising daily could have as much effect on your happiness as it does on your waist line. In fact, if you are new to exercising you may experience stronger effects of endorphins than someone who has been exercising regularly, since your brain is not used to the endorphin rush.
Most researchers have found that moderate-intensive cardiovascular exercise lasting at least 20 to 30 minutes produces the greatest increase in endorphins. Running is a great way to elevate the levels of endorphins, reducing tension and stress while improving the mood. The more endorphins a runners body pumps out, the greater the effect it has on mood. Dancing is also a great way to get your happy fix. Not only does it burn calories and help to build muscles, but it also gives you a boost in endorphins. The physical activity of dancing along with the vibrant music helps to give you your ultimate happy fix. Try a Latin dance like salsa and you’ll be addicted in no time. Other physical activities that require cardio fitness such as cycling, swimming, playing tennis or football are all great at producing high levels of endorphins. So go and grab your running shoes and get yourself a happy fix!

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