Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Your Health Check

We all know that we should look after our body but do we really know why? That work deadline that had you knocking back the coffee like a total addict, the birthday party of the year that lead to a few too many and then resulted in a sleepy Sunday sat eating on the sofa. Sound familiar? Thought so! Here are a few of the most common health mishaps and what really happens to our body as a result.

You try a faddy diet

Come on admit, who has been tempted by the maple syrup diet!? Quick fix weight loss diets are more popular than ever with the promise to shed the pounds that we can’t seem to loose. However, with a restrictive diet your metabolism starts to drop and your body goes into starvation mode. Your body as a result clings onto the fat stores left and starts to burn lean muscle as a fuel source instead which will ultimately increase your percentage body fat. The very thing that you were trying to avoid in the first place! After several days your levels of omega-3 in the brain also starts to fall. The brain is made up of these fats and without enough of them you may be more prone to depression.

Make sure that you are eating small and regular balanced meals so that your body does not go into starvation mode and never drop below 1200 calories.

You skimp on sleep

Just one night of fours hours sleep instead of eight can leave you feeling moody and generally down. Lack of sleep can make it difficult to concentrate and complete difficult tasks. Not ideal when at work. Lack of sleep will also have you reaching for anything sweet to help get a quick energy fix. If you are not getting enough sleep your body is also unable to make enough growth hormones which are needed for the growth and repair of your tissues and to keep you looking younger.

We know you all lead busy lives but try to get around 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

You eat a fatty meal

That Friday night curry may have tasted pretty great, but the saturated and trans fats from your korma instantly cause your blood vessels to constrict. They stay like this for hours. Four to be precise! This can cause an increase in blood pressure and can reduce blood flow and oxygen supply to your vital organs. After the fours hours it’s pretty much time to eat again. Chose another fatty meal and the cycle happens all over again.

To help live longer make sure you only eat fatty foods on occasion.

You’re dehydrated

If you are not drinking enough fluids it can lead to dehydration. Waste products and toxins in your body start to build up and can have you feeling tired, lacking energy, headachy and bloated. You may also mistake dehydration for hunger and have you reaching for the biscuit tin and those extra calories as a result.

Make sure that you are drinking eight glasses of water a day.

You’re addicted to caffeine  

Can’t function without a supply of coffee to get you through the day? Two mugs of coffee in the space of a few hours can cause your body to start producing the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones can increase your heart rate, tense up your muscles and increase your blood pressure. The caffeine will cause you to feel more alert but after a while you will experience a crash and have you racing to the closest Starbucks.

Limit your caffeine intake to no more than two mugs or four cups a day.

Use these tips to help feel, look and live better.

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