Sunday, 18 August 2013

The Abs Challenge - Eek!

I thought this summer that it may be a good idea to challenge myself and my fitness levels. It all started with the squats challenge. My initial thought was “OMG, 250 squats, nooo!!” The challenge starts with 25 squats and builds up each day until reaching 250, with a few rest days here and there. After a while the squatting all felt the same and went pretty painlessly. I like to think that I have toned up and got a nice firm bottom now…!? (feel free to comment!)


My next challenge was the abs challenge. After my new found confidence at these sorts of challenges I threw myself into it. Even giving up junk food (gasp). I wanted my new abs to show themselves and not be hidden behind a layer of fat! The first week went by absolutely fine. The next 3 weeks were however a challenge. It was definitely the leg raises. Not a fan! It took all of my strength and concentration and a few unhappy groans from me to reach the full 63 at the end. But, I did it! I completed the challenge. And actually with amazing results as I am now sporting at small 4-pack. Very impressed, and I am not going to lie, very excited by this.


And no, the fact that I am lacking the extra two abs, does not bother me!


Your turn....


  1. Ok! I might have to do Week one a couple of times...

    I got on Youtube to get some advice on the best way to do leg raises and found some good short videos for each exercise.

    Leg raise:

  2. That's great, really helpful! Good luck and let me know how you get on!
