Sunday, 25 August 2013

The New Performance Booster

Introducing beetroot; the new superfood for athletes. No longer the vegetable to be avoided in the supermarket but the new and best legal performance booster since caffeine.

The secret behind beetroot is the nitrates found in the vegetable which get converted to nitric oxide when ingested. It is the nitric oxide which helps to lower blood pressure and lower oxygen consumption meaning an athlete can exercise for longer before becoming exhausted. Not only this, but nitric oxide plays an important role in human physiology. It can help to regulate blood flow and plays an essential role in neurotransmission, immune function, glucose and calcium homeostasis and muscle contractility.

An impressive amount of research on this vegetable shows that it can help you to run 1-2% faster in 5ks up to marathons. This may not sound like a lot, but this is actually a massive boost.

The best way to consume beetroot juice is through concentrated commercial drinks. Avoid homemade juices as this could have you running elsewhere if you know what I mean! Try 500ml before a tough workout and see how you feel. Just don’t use any antibacterial mouthwashes or chewing gums as you will lose the potential benefits of your juice.

This performance enhancing vegetable could definitely be the new big thing so why not give it a try!

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