Tuesday, 15 April 2014

What to eat to get the best beauty sleep

How many of us dread the sound of the alarm going off in the morning after a restless night? Eating the rights foods a few hours before you go to sleep may help you fall asleep faster and can even improve the quality of the sleep. Just remember to stop eating a couple of hours before bedtime to give your body plenty of time to digest.

Almonds are a winner when it comes to getting plenty of beauty sleep. They contain magnesium which promotes both sleep and muscle relaxation. Almonds also have the added benefit of providing a source of protein. This can help to maintain a stable blood sugar level while you are sleeping and help you to switch from your alert adrenaline cycle to your rest and digest cycle. Try a spoonful of almond butter as a tasty bedtime snack.

Drinking cherry juice twice a day – once in the morning once at night, has been shown to help people sleep an extra 25 minutes. Melatonin found in cherries helps to control our body’s internal clock improving sleep duration and quality.

Porridge may typically be eaten for breakfast, but a bowl of warm oatmeal could help you to fall asleep. It is warm, soothing and full of the good stuff. Rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, these nutrients all help to support sleep.

If you are finding it hard to fall sleep try snacking on a banana before bed. Bananas are an excellent source of magnesium and potassium which can help to relax overstressed muscles. They also contain tryptophan which converts to melatonin the sleep inducing hormone triggered by darkness.

Research shows that being deficient in calcium may make it difficult to fall asleep. Calcium found in milk, yogurt and cheese can also be effective in stress relief. A glass of milk before bed may not only help you to fall asleep but can stop you worrying about that dreaded meeting with your boss.

With these top tips, the sound of the alarm may not be so bad afterall!

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